CPoweredTM Performance Solutions

When you’re a CPower customer, you have a team of experts to help you get the most from your demand-side energy management.

We identify where you can cut back on energy and still meet your daily operational needs.

Before you receive your first check from CPower… before you receive your first load reduction dispatch… before you approve your first CPower curtailment plan… CPower’s team of skilled engineers undertakes a complete assessment of your facility.

CPowered™ facility assessment is the foundation for developing customized processes that help you manage your demand. We analyze your energy world as it happens. We look at when and where, how and how often you use energy in your daily operations.

Just as importantly, we look at why behind your energy use. You use electricity for very specific reasons. CPower’s team of experts works with you to understand those reasons. Any successful load reduction program must take into account the impact any curtailment could potentially have on your day-to-day operations.


Brought to life and optimized by the CPower Team of Experts.

At CPower, we understand that the most effective kind of demand-side energy management is people-powered.

Customers choose CPower because of our people and the caring expertise they possess.

The term “CPowered” is our way of stamping a program or process with CPower’s people-powered approach, an approach that’s unrivaled in the industry.

With data in hand, we begin the process of developing a custom curtailment plan that will give you the best opportunity to save on your energy costs and earn revenue. Based on our analysis, we may also recommend additional ways to save and earn:

  • Maximizing returns from existing and future energy efficiency projects
  • Upgrading backup generators to be permitted for demand response participation—and additional revenue for you
  • Enrolling other distributed energy resources—DERs—such as storage batteries in lucrative load reduction programs.

Energy is forever in motion, which is why our first assessment is seldom our last. Your energy use, your day-to-day operations, and the demand-side management programs participate in can change from year to year. CPower’s team of experts is always ready to reassess your facilities at any time and make recommendations to ensure that you continue to save, earn, and support a healthy grid.

We work with you to create a curtailment plan for you to execute when the grid is stressed, customized to suit your organization and maintain day-to-day business.

Creating the optimal CPoweredTM strategy for your organization begins with our understanding how your facilities are structured.

Choose the type of facility profile that best describes your organization.

Once your organization is enrolled in the optimal combination of program solutions, CPower then tailors our proprietary performance solutions to suit your unique needs. 

You’re ready for the future. CPower can help you pay for it.

Earn revenue with DERs. Keep your customers happy. Help the grid.
CPower can help you do it all.

Distributed energy resources—like energy storage, solar PV, fuel cells, wind generation, combined heat and power, and more—are not only enhancing the way grid operators balance energy demand and supply, they’re helping commercial and industrial organizations offset their energy spends.

CPower Link, our proprietary application programming interface (API), creates an integrated automatic DR platform to turn your DER asset into a dispatchable asset, ready to engage when the grid is in need.

What is Demand-Side Energy Management?

Learn the fundamentals with CPower’s Demand-Side Energy Management 101 Video Series

Start the conversation with CPower

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