CPoweredTM Performance Solutions

CPower’s dispatch team is on call around the clock and will let you know when it’s time to curtail your load.
CPowered™ 24/7 Dispatch is the critical link between you, grid reliability, and monetizing your energy assets. From our operational headquarters in Baltimore, MD, CPower’s dispatch teams monitor the state of the grid in the energy markets served by CPower. They’re on the desk 24 hours a day, seven days a week, communicating with ISOs, RTOs, and utilities responsible for maintaining a balanced electrical grid.
Our teams watch over nearly 9,000 customer facilities, day and night, to ensure they maximize every opportunity to save and earn, no matter where they are. When a test or event is called, CPower’s dispatch team receives the signal and immediately executes load reduction protocols. We communicate directly with our customers to begin the curtailment process—and sound the “all clear” when it’s over.
Unlike many of our competitors who outsource their dispatch services to third parties, CPower’s dispatch team is 100% in-house and experts in the CPower Way. That means there is no wasted communication when the ISO calls a demand response event, giving you the maximum amount of time to execute your curtailment strategy.

Brought to life and optimized by the CPower Team of Experts.
At CPower, we understand that the most effective kind of demand-side energy management is people-powered.
Customers choose CPower because of our people and the caring expertise they possess.
The term “CPowered” is our way of stamping a program or process with CPower’s people-powered approach, an approach that’s unrivaled in the industry.
When manual curtailment stresses your ability to execute, CPower automates the curtailment process through our Link® application programming interface. Link establishes a direct connection between our 24/7 dispatch desk and your building management systems to automatically start and stop curtailment tests and events. We can even automatically dispatch your distributed energy resources, so there is no loss of power to your daily operations.
Facility assessments lay out what needs to be done. Curtailment action plans lay out how to do it. CPowered™ 24/7 Dispatch makes it happen.
You’re ready for the future. CPower can help you pay for it.
Earn revenue with DERs. Keep your customers happy. Help the grid.
CPower can help you do it all.
Distributed energy resources—like energy storage, solar PV, fuel cells, wind generation, combined heat and power, and more—are not only enhancing the way grid operators balance energy demand and supply, they’re helping commercial and industrial organizations offset their energy spends.
CPower Link, our proprietary application programming interface (API), creates an integrated automatic DR platform to turn your DER asset into a dispatchable asset, ready to engage when the grid is in need.