CPoweredTM Performance Solutions

Performance reporting provides crucial insights about your curtailment performance that can help you better manage your demand-side energy management process.
Successful participation in demand-side energy management comes down to one thing: Performance. Regardless of whether it’s a test or a called event, how you perform against your curtailment commitment determines not only your achieved savings and earned revenue. It determines how successfully the grid is able to perform against the demands that jeopardize its ability to supply power to the many customers who depend on it.
That’s why full and timely performance reporting is a key component of our CPowered™ Performance Solutions. Our performance reports give you crucial information that you can use to better manage your demand-side efforts, to identify areas of improvement, to share and incorporate into long-range planning–and to track your savings and earnings.
In as little as five minutes after the conclusion of a test or event, CPower’s performance experts issue a full report of your performance. Customers can also take advantage of real-time performance reporting in the CPower App. Our state-of-the-art performance reporting covers all CPowered Program Solutions, from California to New England, from day-ahead to 10-minute notifications.
Regardless of the program, you participate in or the curtailment plan you’ve committed to, CPower’s in-house team of performance experts are on hand before, during, and after an event to help you prepare, help you perform, and help you parse the data to better perform in the days ahead.
In the end, CPowered Performance Reporting conveys more than data. It’s a record of your success, and of our continuing commitment to ensuring your success. And it’s a record of our dedication to providing you with exceptional customer experience.

Brought to life and optimized by the CPower Team of Experts.
At CPower, we understand that the most effective kind of demand-side energy management is people-powered.
Customers choose CPower because of our people and the caring expertise they possess.
The term “CPowered” is our way of stamping a program or process with CPower’s people-powered approach, an approach that’s unrivaled in the industry.
You’re ready for the future. CPower can help you pay for it.
Earn revenue with DERs. Keep your customers happy. Help the grid.
CPower can help you do it all.
Distributed energy resources—like energy storage, solar PV, fuel cells, wind generation, combined heat and power, and more—are not only enhancing the way grid operators balance energy demand and supply, they’re helping commercial and industrial organizations offset their energy spends.
CPower Link, our proprietary application programming interface (API), creates an integrated automatic DR platform to turn your DER asset into a dispatchable asset, ready to engage when the grid is in need.
What is Demand-Side Energy Management?

Learn the fundamentals with CPower’s Demand-Side Energy Management 101 Video Series