PJM Capacity Performance
Capacity Performance is here in PJM.
Winter or Summer,
CPower can help you participate on YOUR terms.

When the demand for electricity exceeds the grid’s ability to supply it, the region faces the possibility of brownouts and blackouts.
PJM’s Capacity Performance program helps maintain year-round grid reliability by reducing demand through curtailment events. Organizations that participate in the Capacity Performance program can earn money for being available to use less energy when the grid is stressed.

Your CPower team is with you every step of the way and can help you earn even more revenue by participating in other PJM demand response programs.
Want to learn how you can save and earn with CPower?
Schedule a 30-minute Solutions Walkthrough today.
Fill out the form below or Call CPower 844-276-9371
Organizations that participate in PJM’s Capacity Performance Demand Response Program earn money for being available year-round to use less energy when the grid is stressed. Winter or Summer, CPower can help your organization maximize its savings and earnings while participating in this lucrative DR program on YOUR terms.
What is Demand-Side Energy Management?
Learn the fundamentals with CPower's Demand-Side Energy Management 101 Video Series