A Powerful Opportunity: Capacity Concerns Make Grid Services Valuable for Businesses in MISO

Possible shortfalls in regional electricity capacity could disrupt business operations in the Midwest if the grid does not maintain balance as it shifts to clean energy. Fossil-fueled generators are retiring faster than renewable energy resources are coming online, leading analysts to warn of mounting reliability risks. However, commercial and industrial energy users in MISO can help the region’s grid operator keep the lights on and be financially rewarded for doing so. Learn how organizations reduce energy costs and receive payments for providing valuable grid services when the grid is stressed.
In this informative webinar, CPower will explore the details of how Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) grid services work and what opportunities provide the most opportunity for energy users to achieve financial rewards for supporting the grid. In addition to making money and reducing their electricity costs, many businesses use their grid services earnings to progress their operational and decarbonization goals.