The best way to manage your energy in California? Be Flexible.

In the near future, organizations with flexible resources at their disposal will have an advantage when it comes to earning money for helping the grid.
California is committed to integrating renewables into its electrical grid. The load-shift product is set to launch in November 2019. In its wake, expect a series of flexible resource products to be proposed, reviewed, and eventually launched.
The next generation load shift product and any subsequent flexible resource products will likely be technology-neutral, meaning customer loads will be able to participate as long as customers can curtail on-demand and respond to short-term curtailment windows.
When it comes to demand-side energy planning, California’s legislative arm is forward-thinking, investing in the infrastructure and systems needed to reach the state’s ambitious goals.
For now, commercial and industrial customers are a different story.
Many organizations simply have not yet made the kind of investments in specialized equipment or automation needed to optimize their participation in the kind of programs California is looking to introduce.
Whether or not to embark on a system upgrade is a cost/benefit analysis large California organizations would be wise to consider.
In the very near future, there is going to be a potentially significant earning opportunity for organizations that can quickly dispatch flexible resources when the grid is stressed or market prices are exceedingly high.
Organizations that are open to automation and have made the right investments their systems are going to be the ones capable of performing and will reap the rewards for keeping the California grid reliable.
This post was excerpted from the 2019 State of Demand-Side Energy Management in North America, a market-by-market analysis of the issues and trends the experts at CPower feel organizations like yours need to know to make better decisions about your energy use and spend.
CPower has taken the pain out of painstaking detail, leaving a comprehensive but easy-to-understand bed of insights and ideas to help you make sense of demand-side energy’s quickly-evolving landscape.