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Demand-side 2021 New York: A Commercial and Industrial Guide to Managing Energy this Year (Webinar)

January 22, 2021


The Empire State was poised for a dynamic 2020 as Governor Cuomo’s Reforming Energy Vision (REV) enters its sixth year. Join CPower’s New York experts and they explain how the state is working its way through the COVID-19 pandemic’s maze and how organizations are reexamining their energy management strategies in search of optimization for an increasingly uncertain future.

APS Peak Rewards (Webinar)

January 20, 2021

The APS Peak Solutions demand response program offers commercial energy users the opportunity to reduce their electrical energy use during periods of high usage during the summer and rewards them with revenue payments.  Participants across all industry types can earn hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on how much you are able to curtail when called upon.

Reduce energy use, earn revenue, and support grid reliability.

Join APS and CPower Energy Management for this 60-minute webinar and learn:

  1. More about the Peak Solutions program and how to participate
  2. Curtailment strategies to mitigate operational impact and comfort
  3. How much you can earn for participation
  4. The APS and CPower team that will support your performance

Demand-Side 2021 Texas: A Commercial and Industrial Guide to Managing Energy this Year (Webinar)

January 15, 2021


2020 has been a bumpy ride for the Texas energy market, particularly for the oil and gas industry. CPower’s Joe Hayden and Michele Taylor discuss how the commercial sector in Texas is coping with Covid and reveal key strategies for saving on energy with demand management and earning revenue with demand response in the Lone Star State in 2021.

This webinar is designed to give organizations like yours the demand-side energy management insights you need to make the most of 2021 and beyond in Texas.

In this webinar, you will learn how your industry can: 

  • Prepare for energy management in 2021 
  • Utilize programs to help you reduce energy cost and generate revenue
  • Learn key energy tactics and strategies from others in your industry 
  • Understand important regulatory news that can impact your energy plan 
  • Gain insights into energy storage and DERs in your market and industry 

Power Shift: How DERs are Creating a New Balance of Power (Webinar)

November 11, 2020

What will electrical power consumption in North America look like in 2050? Will centralized power generation still dominate, or will distributed energy resources–DERs–shift the balance of power generation to the energy end consumer? Our presentation takes “a look back” from the future to show how expanding DER implementation is laying the groundwork for a new balance of power, freeing organizations to independently pursue sustainability and reliability goals, and how monetizing DER energy assets is accelerating that shift. Our case study reveals how one university monetizes solar, battery storage, and demand-side energy management strategies to power its future, today.

Learning Objectives:

  • Examine How the “balance of power” will shift from generators and utilities to the end energy consumer over the next decade.
  • Explore the ways in which flexible demand and aggregation at the consumer level will change the grid infrastructure.
  • Investigate the impact that distributed energy resources (DER) and microgrids will have on the state of grid modernization.
  • Identify additional renewable resources, beyond solar and wind, that will see the greatest increase in adoption for both supply and demand of electricity.

Hidden Revenue: Uncovering Money With Energy Efficiency Projects

October 22, 2020

What if we told you that a recently completed energy efficiency project could be earning you hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars for the next four years in addition to the energy cost savings you are already receiving? Too good to be true? Well … the good news is, it’s not. And we have put together a great panel of energy efficiency experts to help tell you how.

Whether you manage energy for your organization or you provide energy services, this live panel will provide details on how to qualify and enroll projects into the PJM Capacity Program so that you can start earning money for energy efficiency projects. You will learn:

  • What types of projects qualify
  • How to enroll and participate
  • How much you can earn
  • Best practices for EE success
  • How to maximize the value of the programs
  • Common FAQs and live Q&A

Listen, learn, discuss, and start earning from your projects this year.

Watt’s Up With Backup Generators?

September 30, 2020

Simplifying back-up generation rules, permitting, and demand response participation.

Renewables are here and continue to displace traditional coal resources on the grid. Battery storage is compelling and becoming more cost-effective — but it is still not a full-proof, scalable solution. Utilities are battling the challenges of grid intermittency amidst infrastructure challenges to support renewable penetration. All of this to say, the tried-and-true back-up generator is still the go-to resource when it comes to energy resilience and still remains a misunderstood energy resource.

Join CPower’s back up generation and demand response experts Arusyak Ghukasyan and Michael Mindell for this 30-minute panel to learn and understand topics including:

  • How generators can earn revenue for your organization
  • The rules and policies for BUGs at the federal, state, and local level
  • Common myths about using BUGs for ‘non-emergency’ situations like demand response and testing under load
  • What industries, markets, and programs are more favorable to BUGs for revenue
  • How to fund and finance generator upgrades or replacements

State of the PJM Energy Market (Webinar)

September 25, 2020

2020 was expected to be a year of change in PJM. As the region now works its way through the COVID-19 pandemic’s maze, organizations are reexamining their energy management strategies in search of optimization for an increasingly uncertain future.

Join CPower on September 24, 2020, at 2 pm ET for a one-hour webinar designed to give organizations like yours the demand-side energy management insights you need to make the most of 2020 and beyond in PJM.

State of the 2020 California Energy Market (Webinar)

September 18, 2020

The Golden State’s energy market was poised to have a wild ride in 2020 before the onset of COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown.  As California now works its way through the pandemic’s maze, organizations are reexamining their energy management strategies in search of optimization for an increasingly uncertain future.

Topics covered include:

  • Policy and regulatory changes in California
  • An update of the state’s renewable pursuits
  • Opportunities to monetize storage and other energy assets
  • Maximizing returns on demand response in CAISO and CA utility programs
  • And more…

CPower’s California energy market experts Jennifer Chamberlin, Laura Jelin and Diane Wiggins host this webinar that includes a question and answer session.

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