Webinar: State of the Texas Energy Market (SOTM Series)
SOTM 2019 Webinar Series
SED Webinar: Energy and Manufacturing Productivity
Webinar (2/14/2019): Dispatchable Dollars: How Demand Response Creates Revenue Opportunities For DER
Distributed Energy Resources (DER), including storage, are proliferating the world of energy management in a big way. Today, these assets are primarily implemented to provide operational resilience and demand management; however, additional opportunities are rapidly evolving.
As intelligent application of DER assets increases for commercial and government sectors, the opportunity to leverage these same assets into revenue generating channels also increases.
Through programs like demand response, your DER assets become vehicles for saving and earning, which increases ROI, shortens project payback periods or helps fund other energy projects, all while providing greater support for grid reliability.
Join DER and storage experts from CPower Energy Management and Stem and learn about:
- The evolution of DER as a mainstream asset
- Market drivers for DER growth and opportunity
- Planning intelligent DER and Demand Response integration
- How commercial orgs have added 30-50% to the value of DER projects by using flexible infrastructure, such as storage, to participate in DR programs like DRAM in California
Webinar: Distributed Energy Resources and the Role of Aggregated Demand Management
Webinar: Leverage Your Generator Assets To Earn Revenue
Properly permitted, your emergency generation—EG—is both a reliability asset and a revenue generator. EG provides a great opportunity to earn revenue and save on energy costs through demand response (DR) and demand management programs.
The path from emergency generation to revenue generation, though, may seem like a complex, confusing, and occasionally contradictory thicket of state and local environmental regulations. Few organizations fully understand the scope and intricacies of EG regulation, which often results in misinformation, missteps, and missed revenue opportunities.
Fortunately, CPower’s extensive experience and knowledge base has led hundreds of organizations through the jumble of regulations and provided a clear path to monetizing EG assets. This webinar covers everything today’s energy managers and engineers need to to know to maximize the benefits of their EG portfolio. It includes:
- A brief history of emergency generation as a component of demand-side energy management, and the numerous rule changes that have created the current EG landscape
- How existing generators can be upgraded to meet increasingly stringent permitting requirements, bringing previously excluded MWs back into the market
- Success stories illustrating how CPower has helped find and reclaim “lost” megawatts and enroll them in lucrative demand response and demand management programs
Join Ray Berkebile, CPower’s nationally recognized EG permitting expert, and CPower engineer Alison Keefe as they lead this in-depth look at how your EG assets can generate revenue for you, too.
Download the slides: Leverage Your Generator Assets To Earn Revenue Webinar (PDF)