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Virtual Power Plants can cost-effectively support the grid—if we let them

July 31, 2023

Credit: Renewable Energy World (A rooftop solar system)

*This article first appeared on Renewable Energy World on July 28, 2023. Click here to view.

Strained by the double burden of increased demand and more frequent extreme weather events, our grid struggles to provide reliable electricity in many areas of the country – and the challenge will only intensify in the years to come.

The related search for reliable expanded grid capacity has generated buzz about a relatively new term for a solution that has been around for some time: Virtual Power Plants (VPPs). These networks aggregate electricity from customer-owned distributed energy resources (DERs) such as batteries, building management systems, smart home devices, and electric vehicle chargers, then use these assets to help keep the grid balanced by reducing or shifting energy use.

While the term VPP is relatively new, large energy users have been called on to reduce power consumption during times of peak demand for decades. What’s new is the technology advancements enabling greater sophistication and automation, and the exponentially growing base of DERs that can be tapped to expand grid capacity without costly new plants or infrastructure projects. Anything connected to the grid that generates or consumes energy and can respond to a signal can efficiently support grid reliability through VPPs: rooftop solar, smart thermostats, smart water heaters, EV chargers, and more.

A growing body of research has shown that VPPs provide resource adequacy and environmental benefits at a significantly lower price point than other options, such as gas peaker plants and grid-scale battery storage. For instance, a recent Brattle Group study, “Real Reliability: The Value of Virtual Power,” found numerous economic and societal benefits from VPPs. Most notably, the study found that the net cost of VPPs is 40% lower than that of a gas peaker plant, and 60% less than a utility-scale battery storage system. According to the study, VPPs ultimately provide cost savings of $15 billion to $35 billion compared to the alternatives.

Meanwhile, customers enjoy an additional $20 billion in societal benefits over 10 years: faster grid connection, decreased greenhouse gas emissions, increased use of renewable energy, expanded grid capacity for electrification, and greater customer satisfaction. In fact, the study showed that VPPs were the only resource for which societal benefits exceeded cost.

While the benefits of VPPs may seem abstract to the average energy user, VPPs have a very real impact on maintaining energy reliability and customer well-being as extreme weather events become more frequent and severe. For example, a CPower VPP provided more than 50 GWh of load relief during Winter Storm Elliott last December, an amount of energy equivalent to the daily energy use of more than 1.7 million homes, helping grid operators to prevent further blackouts as they managed the impacts of unplanned natural gas generation failures.

VPPs are ready to conquer grid capacity and resiliency challenges faster, more sustainably, and more cost-effectively than ever before – but only if our regulatory frameworks let them.

In many areas, VPP adoption has been hindered by power market regulations that preceded the rise of VPP-compatible technologies. Updating these regulations and resolving questions about how to adequately value these resources and incorporate them into regulatory frameworks would allow customers to play a more active role in cost-effectively managing and optimizing the use of energy resources for greater energy resilience.

What we need now is for regulators and stakeholders to work together on policy, regulatory, and market-based solutions to accelerate the large-scale adoption of VPPs. Regulators can consider modifications to market participation rules that recognize the capacity benefits that VPPs provide to the grid.

One step could be to make it easier for customers to share their data, needed to estimate earnings, monitor performance and finalize payments, with VPP providers. Other solutions include easing aggregation limitations and widening eligibility requirements to reflect the wider spectrum of grid-connected assets available today and updating pricing structures and compensation mechanisms to adequately incentivize VPPs for both DER-owning customers and utilities. Such collaboration between regulators, stakeholders, and customers is the key to achieving a more distributed, flexible, cost-effective, and resilient energy grid.

As the demands of electrification and extreme weather strain the grid, we don’t have to wait to build capacity: we already have the technology and resources to deploy 60 GW of VPPs by 2030, which would meet future resource adequacy needs. VPPs are already helping utilities power through months of heat waves and increased demand—and they could do much more. Regulators can unlock the full potential of VPPs to reduce costs and greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring grid stability when we need it most.

Mathew Sachs is Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development at CPower Energy, a national DER monetization and Virtual Power Plant provider.

Mike Smith: Q&A with CPower’s New CEO

Mike Smith

New CPower CEO Mike Smith may have backed into the energy industry, but he has since helped move it forward. In his more than 25 years in the sector, he has developed a reputation for driving growth and delivering innovation at some of energy’s leading companies.

Now at the helm of the nation’s largest provider of distributed energy resource (DER) monetization opportunities and virtual power plants, Smith is set to guide CPower, its customers and the grid into the future.

“I am thrilled to be joining the team at CPower, a company whose work is essential in ensuring a successful and reliable new energy economy,” Smith stated when CPower announced that he would be CEO following the retirement of previous CEO John Horton.

“The company has a strong foundation and is well-positioned to capitalize on the tremendous opportunities in the rapidly evolving distributed energy space,” Smith continued.

Most recently the CEO of solar and battery storage developer ForeFront Power, Smith discussed his career as a DER and utility leader, his vision of the industry’s future and his expectations for how CPower and its customers will help enable the transition in an interview with The Current.

The Current: How did you get into the energy industry? And why?

Smith: I got into the energy industry very much by accident. I was practicing law in a law firm in Columbus, Ohio, minding my own business as a trial lawyer, and I was in this period of career growth that I call improv. What I mean by improv is that the answer to every question is, “Yes.”

A partner came up to me one day and said, “We’ve got this new client and they’re in a dispute over natural gas trading in the state of West Virginia. Two of their employees are being deposed in this dispute and they need a lawyer to sit with them during the deposition. Would you do it?” And I said, “Sure. Why not?”

It turns out the client was a then little-known company from Houston called Enron. The two guys who were in this dispute weren’t accused of anything, but they needed to be deposed. So, I sat with them in their depositions.

Then Enron, which had a small office in Columbus, decided they wanted to have permanent counsel in the area, and as part of that wanted to have a lawyer be seconded to their Ohio office to learn natural gas trading. Once again, the law firm came to me and said, “Do you want to work with this natural gas trading company called Enron to learn how to do natural gas contracts?” And, again, I said, “Sure. Why not?” So, I ended up working for Enron as a secondment.

The Current: How has the industry evolved during your career?

Smith: In some ways, it hasn’t changed at all. What I mean by that is, yes, we brought in retail choice, and I saw that happen. But the physicality of the electric grid hasn’t changed a bit. We still make most of our electrons in large central-station power generation and put them into a copper wire and sell those electrons to end-use customers.

What we’re seeing now though, is that the physicality is changing. More and more customers are generating more of their energy instead of buying it from the grid. Also, more and more customers are seeking to reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency programs and many more customers are installing energy storage. So, we’re seeing monumental change in the physicality of the grid and how customers interact with the grid, which I think is what’s exciting about what we’re doing here at CPower.

The Current: What attracted you to the role of CEO at CPower?

Smith: We’ve got a whole industry that’s doing things like building on-site solar generation, building on-site storage and doing other DER projects. That’s all going to continue to happen. CPower sits at this unique position in between those end-use customers that have responsive assets, whether they be load, generation or storage, and the grid, which needs access to those responsive assets. We provide a unique and valuable service sitting in the middle. That’s what attracted me to CPower—being at the number one player, with the best team, in the most exciting piece of the energy industry.

The Current: What do you see as some of the most exciting innovations happening in the energy industry to meet the changing needs and demands of customers and the grid?

Smith: The deployment of energy storage is a big piece of that continued penetration of on-site generation assets, particularly solar but also fuel cells. Again, it’s this theme of more and more customers taking control of their energy production and consumption. This is the most exciting thing. Then, of course, we can use CPower to optimize those assets and provide essential grid reliability services in times when the grids are going to be continually more and more stressed with extreme weather events.

The Current: What does the future of the grid look like?

Smith: It’s going to be an evolution. We’re going to continue to have central-station generation, which will be a combination of nuclear and some kind of fossil fleet, including natural gas, and grid-connected renewables. But more and more, the grid will continue to be decentralized and more resources pushed to the edges of the grid in terms of customer-site generation and storage. That trend will continue for the foreseeable future.

The Current: What role will energy users play in the future?

Smith: Energy users will continue to become a much larger part of the equation as they have opportunities to install on-site generation and storage. We also can’t forget about the fact that the fueling of vehicular fleets will move more to the customer as more and more of our customers electrify the fleets that they own. Customers who shop at their places of business or work at their places of business will be seeking to charge their EVs as well. That’s a whole new piece of the infrastructure puzzle that adds demand and that flexibility needs to be well-managed to have a well-functioning grid.

Also, customers who are controlling their energy costs or are on a sustainability journey are becoming more sensitive to what they’re paying and the source of the energy they’re using. That’s driving a lot of the things that CPower can get involved in both in terms of not just responsive load assets, but also optimizing on-site generation and storage.

The Current: What are your biggest priorities for CPower?

Smith: First and foremost, our focus on the customer is a core company value, and that won’t change. CPower will also continue to do the great things we’ve done to bring the company to where it is now. That is to protect, preserve and expand our legacy capacity demand response business where we can, and then build additional flexibility programs that allow us to provide more DER or asset optimization services for more customers nationwide.

The Current: What else do you want customers to know about you and CPower?

Smith: Customers need to know that we can give them valuable ways to monetize their assets. Every customer that has a building has a load asset that has value. We can help them determine that value and extract that value from the market. And, if you add on to that on-site generation assets or storage assets, that provides even more untapped opportunity for these customers.

To learn more about DER monetization and how CPower can help you monetize your energy assets while supporting sustainability, improving grid reliability and increasing energy resiliency, call us at 844-276-9371 or visit CPowerEnergy.com/contact.

Mike Smith

Mike Smith is a visionary and innovative leader who brings more than 25 years leadership experience in the energy industry to CPower as its CEO. Mike joined CPower from ForeFront Power, where he was the CEO of the company’s North American solar and energy storage business, responsible for strategy and all business areas across the U.S. and Mexico.

Prior, Mike served as Senior Vice President, Distributed Energy, at Constellation, the retail energy subsidiary of Exelon Corp., where he was responsible for Constellation’s distributed solar, energy efficiency, and energy asset operations businesses across the U.S. He also served as Vice President, Innovation and Strategy Development, for Exelon Generation, and led Constellation Technology Ventures, Exelon’s venture investing organization. Earlier, Mike was Vice President and Assistant General Counsel for Enron Energy Services and a trial lawyer at Bricker & Eckler, LLP.

Connecticut’s Energy Storage Solutions Program Helps C&I Customers

June 16, 2023

batery energy storage

Connecticut is at the forefront of the energy storage movement and CPower leads the way in helping customers deploy more batteries. 

The state recently recognized CPower as an early adopter of energy storage solutions by giving the company a Green Bank Award. CPower was one of the first Eligible Contractors to submit a storage project to Energy Storage Solutions, which offers incentives to reduce the cost of energy storage systems. The program is overseen by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), is paid for by electric ratepayers, and is administered by the Green Bank, Eversource and United Illuminating.  

CPower was awarded almost 40 MW of battery systems for the first tranche of the program, in which a total of 50 MW was awarded. The company has also submitted additional projects for the next stage of the program to help the state meet its energy storage goals.  

The second tranche of awards will include up to 100 MW in projects and is accepting applications today. Recognizing the benefits that energy storage has provided for customers and the state, CPower supports efforts to accelerate the awarding of incentives in the next stage of the Energy Storage Solutions program so that batteries spread across Connecticut faster.  

Incentives in New England states such as Connecticut help organizations reach their sustainability goals while improving facility resiliency and decreasing operations, maintenance and energy expenses. For example, Connecticut’s Energy Storage Solutions programoffers organizations upfront incentives for installed battery capacity plus performance-based incentives for dispatching the battery capacity to the grid. In doing so, the statewide battery program fosters a more reliable and resilient electric distribution system, especially for vulnerable communities. 

Commercial and industrial building owners can save money through the Energy Solutions Program by using batteries to reduce peak demand management charges. Incentives for C&I building owners include: 

    • Upfront incentives that reduce up to 50% of the battery’s cost in exchange for allowing the battery to reduce electrical grid stress on hot summer days for 10 years.  
    • Performance incentives paid twice a year for 10 years based on the average power the battery contributes to the grid during critical periods.  
    • Additional incentives for eligible small businesses, critical facilities, customers replacing fossil fuel generators and customers in outage-prone Grid Edge areas. 

As an example, a healthcare facility in Connecticut projected $186,000 in on-bill savings in the first year after installing a battery through CPower. Importantly, these on-bill savings are in addition to the performance incentives paid by utilities and grid operators. 

CPower has the largest dollar amount of C&I projects in the Energy Storage Solutions queue in Connecticut. It also leads all contractors in C&I projects underway. All told, CPower has more than 100 MW of C&I battery projects in the design phase across New England. 

CPower provides OnDemand Energy Storage  solutions for customers in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. In working with CPower as an energy-storage-as-a-service (ESaaS) provider, New England facilities can reap energy storage benefits such as on-bill savings and grid services revenue without the upfront costs or responsibilities of ownership. 

CPower will design, install and operate a battery on an organization’s behalf — and cover all upfront costs, thereby allowing C&I customers to avoid the interconnection engineering, capital investment and O&M responsibilities associated with a battery project. 

Energy Storage Solutions projects done by CPower provide customers in Connecticut with a path to more affordable, resilient and greener energy.   

To learn more about CPower’s energy storage services, call us at 844-276-9371 or visit CPowerEnergy.com/contact. 


Philip Ciulla 

As Account Executive for New England for CPower, customers and team members alike look to Phil as a knowledgeable and trusted partner. For Phil, the feeling is definitely mutual. Born and raised in California, Phil now lives in New England. 

DER Monetization the Key to Enabling the Energy Transition

April 18, 2023

DER Monetization

When the grid is stressed, would you rather turn on a fossil-fuel-powered peaker plant or tap into existing resources to reduce our electricity consumption? For us, it’s a simple choice for the community and our planet.

The Customer-Powered Grid™ is the answer. In aggregating customers’ distributed energy resources (DERs) and collectively using them to help the grid when and where it’s needed the most, we can create a flexible, clean and dependable future.

Peaker plants are major emitters of greenhouse gases and have a negative impact on air quality and public health. By leveraging DERs that are already available, like demand response, we can help reduce carbon emissions and other pollutants to help mitigate the impacts of climate change.


DERs Counter Climate Change Impact

Customers recognize the potential of DERs, which are assets or devices that consume, store or generate power and can respond to a signal, as well. Sustainability is the second-most-common reason for implementing DERs, with one in three customers citing it as a motivation, according to CPower’s 2023 Customer-Powered Grid Survey.

The grid needs more clean energy, which DERs can supply reliably and affordably, and that need for flexibility is growing:

    • Annual additions of renewable power capacity globally must grow three times the current level by 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5°C or less per the Paris Agreement, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). This would require investing $35 trillion in energy transition technologies worldwide by 2030, IRENA estimates.
    • The clean energy transition must accelerate for the U.S. to avoid the worst climate impacts, according to the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE), which noted that 2022 was the third most costly climate disaster year on record with 18 climate-related disasters causing at least $1 billion in damage each. The country needs modernized and expanded infrastructure to accelerate the deployment of clean energy and energy efficiency solutions, BCSE says.
    • The U.S. is only halfway to its emissions reduction goal for 2025 and slightly more than a quarter to its target for 2030. It must double the share of electricity generated by non-carbon-emitting sources by 2030 to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

We won’t be able to ensure grid stability through this rapid transition and beyond without DERs. DERs such as demand response and energy efficiency support greater deployments of clean, renewable energy resources by filling gaps in variable generation. Given their flexibility, DERs can quickly respond to changing grid needs at any time, like if renewable generation unexpectedly drops due to a decrease in the availability of sun, wind or gas.

DERs also reduce the need to build new generation capacity, which is crucial because we must quickly replace coal-fired power plants like the peaker plants that have historically provided flexibility to the grid. The U.S. is on track to close half of its coal generation capacity by 2026 and cut coal consumption by the power sector in half by 2030, all of which could affect the stability of the grid.

CPower envisions a flexible, clean and dependable energy future enabled by The Customer-Powered Grid™.


DER Monetization Supports Sustainability.

Energy users benefit from investing in DERs and by monetizing them through grid services. More than 88% of CPower customers say that DER Monetization has helped their business. In addition to saving money by curtailing their loads when the grid is stressed, these energy users can take the revenue generated from their participation in wholesale market or utility grid programs to improve or invest in operational or sustainability initiatives for their organization.

Energy users are also under significant pressure to reduce emissions, make ESG investments and counter the impacts of climate change. DER Monetization helps an organization achieve its clean energy goals by allowing it to use less electricity and reduce associated emissions.

We are proud to have helped our customers avoid more than 280,000 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to not burning more than 317 million pounds of coal, in a single year alone. We know that the work we do is essential in making our vision of a flexible, clean and dependable energy future enabled by The Customer-Powered Grid a reality.

This year, we are also supporting sustainability as an organization through our internal initiatives as well as by donating to EarthDay.org, whose mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide.

Clean energy commitments by companies — and the pressure others face to keep up — are becoming watershed moments for the energy transition. From technology and manufacturing companies to real estate and big-box retailers, companies are committing to decarbonization.

By investing in clean energy, using less electricity and participating in utility and energy market grid services, energy users can help fill the role now played by gas generators from central systems. That is, why burn fuel to power a peaker plant when you can use DERs to balance the grid when it’s stressed?

The answer is obvious to us. How about you?

Join us on the journey to the Customer-Powered Grid — and the flexible, clean and dependable energy future that it will enable. Call us at 844-276-9371 or visit CPowerEnergy.com/contact to learn how we can help you most effectively invest in DERs to support sustainability, improve grid reliability and increase energy resiliency.


Shelley Schopp
As Senior Vice President, Customer Fulfillment & Human Resources, Shelley leads CPower’s Operations team. With over 25 years of experience in the energy industry, she helps the company share its collective wisdom through every touchpoint CPower offers.

Grid Reliability a Growing Concern: Customer-Powered GridTM Survey

April 14, 2023

2023 CPower Survey Infographic

Grid reliability has become one of the primary reasons that energy users participate in distributed energy resources (DER) monetization, ranking among the top three motivators for the first time in CPower’s annual Customer-Powered Grid™ Survey.

Nearly half (45%) of the almost 500 customers and partners surveyed cited supporting grid reliability as motivation for participating in grid services. Only generating revenue (60%) and reducing energy costs (56%) were cited more often.

Energy users worry about grid disruptions and scarcity events caused by factors such as more power outages from extreme weather and shifting demand patterns due to electrification and other issues.

Electricity peak demand and energy growth rates in North America are both increasing, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation warned in its most recent long-term reliability assessment, noting that the 10-year summer and winter peak demand growth projections showed the largest percentage increase in recent years.

Customers can help balance the grid when and where it’s needed the most through grid services programs that pay them for using less electricity when the grid is stressed.

More than 88% of the CPower customers survey confirmed that DER monetization has helped their business as well. Customers often use the revenue generated from their participation in wholesale market or utility grid programs to improve or invest in operational or sustainability initiatives for their organization.

Sustainability was the second largest motivation for implementing DERs (36%), followed by energy resiliency (31%). By using DERs for themselves and monetizing them through grid services, customers can improve operational reliability while contributing to a cleaner and more reliable energy grid for their community.

To learn more about how DER monetization supports grid reliability and improves energy resiliency, call us at 844-276-9371 or visit CPowerEnergy.com/contact.

Glenn Bogarde
Since becoming CPower’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Glenn has led the company’s sales team on a nationwide mission to help customers get the most from their DER monetization participation. Glenn brings to CPower more than 20 years of sales experience in the enterprise software and energy industries.


Decarbonizing Data Centers Gives Grid Flexibility

March 22, 2023

When it comes to energy, data centers are mostly known for how much they consume—but they can give as well as take.

Globally, data centers consumed 220 to 320 TWh of electricity in 2021, or 0.9% to 1.3% of total electricity demand. Within the U.S., they account for about 2% of total electricity use, consuming 10 to 50 times the energy per floor space of a typical commercial office building.

However, rising demand for both data centers and sustainable solutions is causing the industry to shift its approach to tackling both issues. Data centers are driving the renewable energy transition by deploying grid-scale, carbon-free energy.

With companies like Google and Microsoft leading the charge in pledges to reduce their emissions and run data centers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year on clean energy, we can expect progress by way of industry emissions reductions. Even so, there is far more that can be done for data centers across the board in terms of using energy more responsibly to drive decarbonization.

As data centers look towards a bright future with an eye on growth, efficiency and sustainability, they can join Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) to service their local communities and support the grid by optimizing distributed energy resources (DERs). CPower’s VPP Marketplace, for example, simplifies how data centers communicate, control, and optimize performance of their DERs, rewarding them for reducing their energy while meeting the demands of the grid.  This approach will also increase data center sustainability and profitability while increasing community resiliency.

Leveraging Data Centers’ DERs
to Achieve Resilience and Reliability

As more front-of-the-meter clean energy resources are integrated with the grid, operators and utilities beg the flexibility of behind-the-meter DERs. Data centers with DERs can complement renewable intermittency to balance supply and demand as well as support the grid in the face of climate change.

Unfortunately, extreme weather events are growing in frequency, threatening a number of the nation’s already ailing electric grids, including across PJM during Winter Storm Elliott in December and throughout the country during a record-breaking summer last year.

There were, however, demonstrations of what’s possible, when energy user DERs helped the grid during those events as well as when Texas data centers contributed curtailment of their power usage from the grid via ERCOT’s demand response program in February 2021, to ensure the grid maintained the necessary frequency to remain online during Winter Storm Uri.

Data centers can leverage demand response programs to optimize idle DERs, including energy efficiency, generator sets, uninterruptible power supplies and solar PV, to maintain reliability during extreme weather or grid stress. In doing so, a data center’s campus can act as a VPP by serving as a flexible resource capable of balancing the grid and ensuring 24/7/365 uptime to a site’s operations as well as its customers’ businesses, in addition to increasing resilience for homes and businesses in the community it serves.

Delivering Community-level Sustainability

Businesses are under increased scrutiny from customers and consumers to act sustainably, investors have recognized long-term gains associated with carbon neutrality and regulators are advancing laws that reflect and address society’s shift towards a clean energy future. The convergence of these factors has created a timely opportunity for data centers to deliver clean and sustainable flexible energy.

For perspective, that lone MW of permanently reduced demand would spare the ozone the GHG equivalent of more than 8.9 million miles driven by an average internal combustion passenger vehicle. By shifting energy usage to a time when the grid mix is cleaner—during the middle of the day when the sun is shining and solar is more prevalent than coal, for example—organizations can lower their overall emissions. When the sun sets, or when DERs go offline, demand-side resources from data centers can help keep the grid balanced and avoid having to fire up costly, dirty peaker plants.

Turning Your Efficient Data Center into a Money Center

While the environmental benefits of energy efficiency projects are substantial for participating data centers, the financial earnings are worth quantifying, too. As an example, when monetized in the PJM capacity market, organizations can achieve permanent load reduction resulting from energy efficiency projects they have completed or will complete in the future.

Increased participation in demand response programs at the ISO and utility levels across the United States offer new tools for grid operators to balance their needs while supporting a cleaner generation mix. Data centers are the ideal candidate to earn revenue through demand response and enable an uninterrupted power supply.

Given the need to be up and always running, data centers utilize N+1 redundancy and are equipped with excess generator capacity which exceeds the center’s total peak demand. Such high-capacity emergency generation systems put data centers in prime position to earn significant revenue with demand response, money that can be used, among other things, to offset a participating organization’s hefty electricity bill, fund equipment or infrastructure upgrades or to pass along to customers in the form of lower rates.


Like the grid, data centers across the world are positioning themselves for a more sustainable tomorrow. The sheer size of the industry alone is large enough to drive meaningful emissions reductions simply by reducing its power demand. As grid operators and technology companies alike work towards a cleaner and more dependable energy future, measuring the impact of demand-side management programs offers a clear path for data centers to further demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Most U.S. data centers have energy assets that can help the grid transition to a clean, flexible and dependable future. Call us at 844-276-9371 or visit CPowerEnergy.com/contact to explore how you can use your data center’s energy assets to earn revenue for helping the grid and improving the world’s sustainability.

Nate Soles
As CPower’s Vice President of National Accounts, Nate manages dozens of data center clients and strategies across North America.

Four Energy Regulatory Trends to Drive Grid Improvements in 2023

March 16, 2023

This year’s top energy regulatory trends will include an emphasis on improving grid flexibility, reliability and resiliency to better handle extreme weather and demand peaks. Stakeholders want to maintain access to affordable, reliable electricity as the industry transitions to intermittent renewable resources and adapts to evolving consumption and demand patterns that strain the grid.

“Energy systems and the electricity grid are undergoing unprecedented change on a scope, scale, and speed that challenges the ability to foresee—and design for—their future states,” North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) researchers wrote in NERC’s 2022 Long-Term Reliability Assessment.

“The energy and capacity risks identified in this assessment underscore the need for reliability to be a top priority for the resource and system planning community of stakeholders. Planning and operating the grid must increasingly account for different characteristics and performance in electricity resources as the energy transition continues,” according to NERC.

NERC’s recommendations to industry and policymakers for addressing the reliability risks described in its assessment include:

    • Incorporating extreme weather scenarios in resource and system planning
    • Increasing focus on distributed energy resources (DERs) as they are deployed at increasingly impactful levels
    • Considering electrification’s impact on future electricity demand and infrastructure

Like NERC, regulators ranging from the local to federal levels have recognized the need to prioritize grid improvements and have responded accordingly. The following efforts will be among the top energy regulatory trends in 2023.

1. Leveraging Demand Response Aggregators in Traditionally Regulated States

About a decade ago, regulators in several traditionally regulated states restricted DR aggregators from representing customers’ demand response resources in wholesale electricity markets for a variety of reasons. Several states are reevaluating the restriction and considering how to leverage DR aggregator participation consistent with state regulatory policies and practices.

The restriction has served to limit participation of highly flexible demand resources due to constraints on regulated utilities’ ability to offer custom arrangements. Among the reasons regulators are revisiting the restrictions is a desire to increase DR participation to reduce costs, improve reliability and leverage flexible demand resources as a tool to help reduce carbon emissions.

Other drivers include rising costs of capacity to meet resource adequacy needs, and concerns about capacity shortfalls during extreme conditions or emergencies. In addition, the concerns about incompatibility with traditional regulatory models that prompted adoption of the restrictions have proven unfounded in several traditionally regulated states that allow DR aggregators.

In recent examples of states removing restrictions, Minnesota and Michigan have recently adopted proposals to permit DR aggregators to work with utilities to offer customers more options. Missouri is also reviewing its policies toward DR aggregators, and other states can be expected to follow suit.

2. Acknowledging the Importance of Capacity/Availability

Within the last couple of years, several reliability events have demonstrated the need for capacity markets to keep the lights on during grid emergencies. Sky-high energy prices were not enough to curb demand.

Most recently, energy prices shot up during Winter Storm Elliott in late December as generation resources failed amidst surging demand, prompting PJM and ISO-NE to dispatch DR to get customers to curtail their loads and avoid grid failures during the holiday period. Winter Storm Uri in 2021 similarly strained the grid in Texas to being within minutes of going into rolling blackouts that would have kept the state in blackouts for weeks. Unprecedented DR participation helped prevent a catastrophe then as the load shed reached 20,000 MW during the event and lasted for 70 hours.

In both events, grid operators turned to DR when high energy prices alone were not enough to avoid emergencies. Even when energy prices reach multiple thousands of dollars, as they did during Winter Storm Uri, customers may not reduce loads because they do not see the prices.

Indeed, researchers for NERA Economic Consulting have found that merely hoping that energy prices alone will incentivize market users to curtail demand during peaks is not good enough, and that successful recruitment of demand-side resources for help is “substantially enhanced by the presence of availability payments.”

In analyzing participation rates for more than 900 demand-side programs, researchers concluded that there is a continued need for availability payments. Demand-side resources represent a potential source of cost-saving and reliability enhancement for any electric system and programs that make availability payments have “much higher participation rates” than dynamic pricing programs that depend on consumers to base their consumption on market prices, researchers noted.

However, low capacity prices can reduce participation rates, and, therefore, harm energy users and grid operators. In addition to reducing availability, if capacity prices are too low for too long, energy prices can rise, and investors may not build more capacity resources (including DR, generation and energy efficiency).

CPower experts expect stakeholders to look for ways to eliminate pricing and regulatory impediments to DR participation this year because increasing DR participation would improve grid flexibility and help create the Customer-Powered Grid™ that would enable a flexible, clean and dependable energy future.

3. Increasing Non-wires Alternatives for Grid Relief

Utilities, regulators, municipal cooperatives and public power utilities are seeking non-wires alternatives (NWAs) to expand their distribution networks because NWAs can reduce costs, decrease the reliance on traditional infrastructure investment and address the dual challenges of vehicle electrification and renewable resources. NWAs can also help the environment by using clean energy and can provide flexibility and resilience by deploying DERs locally.

In leveraging the flexibility of DERs, NWAs allow utilities to alleviate grid stress at peak times without building distribution wires. The benefits of this more cost-effective approach will multiply as utilities meet the surging demand brought about by the rapidly rising usage of electric vehicles.

NWAs also provide utilities with increased visibility into the presence and usage of behind-the-meter DERs. Furthermore, customers can help bring down energy costs and improve reliability and the environment in the communities where they work and live. Customers get the benefit of tapping additional revenue streams for their resources as well.

More states are likely to pursue the implementation of NWAs this year to help utilities achieve cost savings and improve reliability at low cost.

4. Accessing Federal Funding Programs for Utilities

Utilities may be able to implement NWAs with federal assistance. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office is administering a $10.5 billion Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program to “enhance grid flexibility and improve the resilience of the power system against growing threats of extreme weather and climate change,” as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

“These programs will accelerate the deployment of transformative projects that will help to ensure the reliability of the power sector’s infrastructure, so all American communities have access to affordable, reliable, clean electricity anytime, anywhere,” according to the Grid Deployment Office.

There are three programs in all.

    • Grid Resilience Utility and Industry Grants ($2.5 billion) support grid modernization efforts to reduce impacts due to extreme weather and natural disasters.
    • Smart Grid Grants ($3 billion) focus on projects that increase the flexibility, efficiency, and reliability of the grid.
    • Grid Innovation Program ($5 billion) funding prioritizes projects that enhance grid resilience and reliability through innovative approaches to transmission, storage and distribution infrastructure.

The application process for the first round of funding for the GRIP Program, which totals $3.8 billion for federal fiscal years 2022 and 2023, is underway now.

Whether it’s at the federal, state or local level, stakeholders want to improve grid flexibility, reliability and resiliency. Therefore, preparing the grid to better handle extreme weather and demand peaks will be among this year’s top energy regulatory trends.

Subscribe to The Current to stay ahead of the energy curve. Or contact us to learn more about how CPower can help you stay atop energy regulatory trends.

Kenneth Schisler

Ken leads CPower’s regulatory and government affairs team, having previously served in similar roles at both Vicinity Energy and EnerNOC/Enel. He brings nearly three decades of policy leadership on innovation in clean and advanced energy technologies and collaborates with public officials, regulators, power exchange and system operators, academia and industry peers to unleash the potential of demand-side resources.

Three Reasons Why Your DER Strategy Isn’t Working

February 16, 2023

The next phase of a reliable and clean energy mix will center on deploying more distributed energy resources (DERs) and using them efficiently.

DERs have become increasingly prevalent, largely due to available market revenue streams, opportunities for demand charge mitigation, falling hardware prices for storage and renewable generation and deployment incentives like those in the Inflation Reduction Act. However, up until now, DERs have been mostly used through strategies centered solely on either tariff-based cost avoidance or confined to limited grid services program participation.

DER project owners and operators that only focus on cost avoidance or just participate in capacity programs, which require load reduction commitments ahead of time, often leave value on the table. To unlock the full value of DERs, owners and operators must balance priorities and make decisions based on changes in conditions like asset availability and market prices for energy resources. Only then will DERs fully contribute to a Customer-Powered Grid™ that enables a flexible, clean and dependable energy future.

Common Hurdles to Maximizing DER Value

Maximizing DER value requires a comprehensive strategy. If you do not earn as much grid services revenue as possible and achieve the on-bill savings that you could, your DER strategy may not be working for one or more of the following reasons.

1. The strategy doesn’t consider all DERs.

DERs are any asset that consumes, generates or stores electricity. Or, to put it more simply: If it can reduce demand “behind the meter,” it can be considered and included in your DER strategy. These can be generation assets like generators, solar, co-gens and storage, but can also include energy curtailment and even energy efficiency.

The supply of flexible DERs, including load curtailment, onsite storage, electric vehicle (EV) fleets and other resources, is set for massive growth because the grid needs more flexibility to avoid failures caused by an aging infrastructure and the rising penetration of intermittent, renewable generation.

DERs that can be enrolled in demand response (DR) programs with short lead times, called on frequently, and be highly automated are particularly valuable. DR is the largest DER available in the market, and you don’t need anything other than the flexibility to curtail load to benefit from it.

As the need for flexibility increases even further, and existing and new DERs are incentivized to participate, including all your DERs in your strategy will become ever more important. Accounting for all your DERs is crucial because the more flexibility they collectively provide, the more valuable they are to the grid.

2. Underlying goals and the programs that will help achieve them haven’t been identified.

Unlocking latent DER value often begins with determining your goals. For example:

    • Are you pursuing all available financial benefits? Such as on-bill savings, grid service revenues and incentives? Optimizing returns requires considering all simultaneously.
    • How important is resiliency? Do you want to avoid business interruptions and associated revenue losses? Do you need back-up power? And, if so, what’s your non-emergency strategy for these assets? You may be able to earn revenue by supplying flexible capacity to the grid or to save money by using on-site generation and/or storage assets to reduce demand.
    • How can your DERs support your organizational objectives for sustainability? Customers and partners increasingly want to do business with organizations that share their concerns about helping the environment. You may also have to comply with regulations like limits on carbon emissions.

The best strategy for your facility will accomplish all your goals within a comprehensive framework of programs.

3. There is not an efficient plan for implementing DERs.

Unlocking the maximum earning potential of a suite of energy assets in complex markets requires creativity, focus and sophistication. Multiple DER projects, implementers and consultants can result in conflicting strategies.

Unfortunately, however, when it comes to problems that owners and operators face in optimizing their DERs, most solutions fall short in one or more areas. They:

    • Solve for grid services or on-bill savings – but not both.
    • Support only one type of DER asset – not multiple.
    • Depend on manual workflows and processes – instead of automation.

If a solution doesn’t solve for both grid services and on-bill savings, support multiple types of DERs and also automate workflows and processes, then your DER strategy doesn’t work. Therefore, you do not maximize the return on investment (ROI) in your DERs.

A Single Solution for DER Optimization

However, optimizing your DERs does not have to be complex. CPower’s EnerWise® Site Optimization solution can help you fully unlock the combined value of grid-services revenue and on-bill savings – in a single solution.

In automatically identifying and executing the most lucrative energy management strategies across on-bill savings and grid services programs and the different types of DERs, EnerWise addresses all the challenges around the optimization of DERs. A virtual energy manager, it maximizes the financial return, resiliency and sustainability benefits of energy storage, onsite and renewable generation and other DERs.

For example, in terms of financial benefits, EnerWise can help you:

    • Easily estimate and deliver the value from DER projects.
    • Justify DER investments and generate forecasted revenue and projected savings.
    • Shorten your DER project’s ROI horizon and maximize the financial return.

It also offers resiliency benefits such as:

    • Avoiding business interruptions by ensuring that back-up power is available.
    • Optimizing DERs’ usage according to resource and regulatory constraints.
    • Leveraging automated scheduling technology to manage your resources 24 hours a day.

And, when it comes to sustainability, EnerWise can:

    • Support organizational sustainability goals.
    • Redirect carbon-free power to help grid operators reduce reliance on fossil fuel resources.
    • Enable the transition to a cleaner and more reliable grid.

EnerWise has been named a finalist in the prestigious 2023 Edison Awards due to the energy optimization technology’s ability to help DER owners and operators get the most out of their assets. It is being honored in the Innovative Solutions and Services category for simplifying the approach to participation in multiple energy-market and utility programs.

Through its dynamic hourly scheduling customized for each site, EnerWise ensures each DER is allocated to the most lucrative available programs on an hourly basis, with one site averaging a 54% increase in grid revenues. It has expanded to 40 new sites across PJM and recently launched in ISO-New England.

EnerWise has drawn strong interest from DER owners and operators across crypto mining, government, education, manufacturing, retail and other commercial sectors who want to gain access to new value streams from their DERs.

If you would like to learn more about EnerWise or other ways to optimize your energy assets, call us at 844-276-9371 or visit CPowerEnergy.com/contact to find out how we can help you create and implement a DER strategy that works.

CPower Ready To Help School Districts Unlock Full Value of Electric School Buses Through Federal Rebate Program

February 06, 2023

Photo Credit: Lion Electric

School districts have three months to buy almost $1 billion of clean school buses and infrastructure with federal rebates. Districts will then turn their attention to receiving their electric or alternatively-fueled buses and installing infrastructure — and CPower can help. 

CPower helps districts with electric buses reduce their electrification costs, increase their communities’ resiliency and green the grid, through partnerships with EV fleet owners, charging operators and schools across the country.  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s $5 billion Clean School Bus Program, a five-year program, is accelerating the greening of fleets through electrification. In its first round of funding, the EPA awarded a total of $948.8 million in 2022 Clean School Bus rebates to 403 applicants in October.  

Selectees have until April 28 to submit payment request forms for eligible zero-emission and low-emission buses and infrastructure to the EPA. The EPA expects the 2022 rebate program to fund approximately 2,500 school bus replacements. Funds come from one of two separate pools, one for Zero-Emission (ZE) Buses and one for Clean School Buses, which can include alternatively-fueled buses in addition to electric buses. 

Transitioning to electric school buses helps communities and the environment in many ways, including improving children’s health and reducing air and noise pollution, according to the Environment America Research & Policy Center. Electric school buses equipped with vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology that enables them to deliver power to buildings and back to the grid provide additional benefits as well. 



The Environment America Research & Policy Center notes: 

    • School buses are the largest form of public transportation in the U.S., with 480,000 nationwide and 95% are powered by diesel. Fewer than 1% are powered by electricity.  
    • Replacing every school bus with a V2G-capable electric bus of the same type would:

        • Avoid 8 million metric tons of greenhouse emissions per year. 
        • Create 61.5 GWh of extra stored energy capacity – enough to power more than 200,000 average American homes for a week.  
    • Electric school buses could also provide backup power during emergencies, like in remote areas that need electricity during outages or for essential facilities anywhere. For example, the energy stored in a single Type D electric bus could power the equivalent of five operating rooms for more than eight hours, and a single operating room for 43 hours, according to the Environment America Research & Policy Center. 

Though the V2G technology that the Environment America Research & Policy Center advocates for is still in its infancy, researchers note, removing adoption barriers through means such as policy changes and program funding could facilitate the transition to electric school buses by making investments in buses and infrastructure financially feasible for districts. The EPA’s Clean School Bus Program is a step forward in that regard, helping to roll out thousands of cleaner, quieter electric school buses in districts nationwide. 

Districts have also pushed ahead independently. For example, CPower is turning the country’s largest electric school bus fleet into grid-ready resources by partnering with Highland Electric Fleets and Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS).  

MCPS notes the partnership will deliver cleaner, healthier transportation for students and communities while supporting grid reliability through demand response solutions.  Together, the partners will use MCPS’s fleet of EV school buses (EVSBs) to provide grid services and increase reliability for PJM, the largest grid operator in the U.S.  

Because school buses run on a consistent daily schedule, electric buses such as those that Highland provides to MCPS are ideal resources to provide grid resiliency services. CPower will ensure that buses are fully charged and ready to run while also allowing Highland to reduce electrical loads when needed, thereby helping to keep the grid in balance. 

CPower similarly helps grid operators balance energy demand and supply through a partnership with bp pulse for fleets (formerly AMPLY), which provides fully managed charging services to public sector and commercial businesses with EV fleets. The partnership also drives new revenue opportunities for fleets while offering transmission and distribution grids the flexibility to integrate V2G-ready EV chargers as distributed energy resources (DERs). The Logan Bus Company, the largest school bus provider for the New York City Department of Education, is the first project to leverage this partnership. 

As the national leader for grid balancing and reliability solutions, CPower is helping to create a Customer-Powered Grid™ that will enable a flexible, clean and dependable energy future. Helping school districts transition to electric school buses helps bring that future to fruition.  

 For more information on how we can help your school district unlock the value of your EV school bus fleet to drive energy flexibility, grid reliability and revenue opportunities, call us at 844-276-9371 or visit CPowerEnergy.com/contact to find out. 


Brad Widdup
Brad is Director, Distributed Generation at CPower. His 25 years in the energy industry include serving as regional vice president for Oracle’s Utilities Global Business Unit. 

Customer DERs Relieved Grid Strain and Reduced Electricity Demand During Winter Storm Elliott

January 17, 2023

CPower customers helped grid operators avoid blackouts by providing over 50 GWh of electricity reduction during Winter Storm Elliott. Customers responded to 197 unique dispatches across three demand response programs in PJM and ISO-NE alone, which together cover all or part of 19 states and Washington, D.C.

In quickly curtailing their loads, CPower customers helped the PJM and ISO-NE regions avoid grid failures as freezing weather caused widespread power outages elsewhere in the country over the two days before Christmas.

“This storm underscores the increasing frequency of significant extreme weather events (the fifth major winter event in the last 11 years) and underscores the need for the electric sector to change its planning scenarios and preparations for extreme events,” NERC President and CEO Jim Robb said, in announcing that FERC, NERC and NERC Regional Entities have launched a joint inquiry into the operations of the bulk power system during Winter Storm Elliott.

With extreme weather events occurring more often, in both winter and summer, regulators and grid operators increasingly look to customer DERs to keep the power on during times of high energy demand. CPower customers, for example, were dispatched a record 1,030 times in 2022.


Electricity Reduction was Key in Winter Storm Elliott Response

During Winter Storm Elliott, CPower customers responded to dispatched events in PJM’s Emergency Capacity and Synch Reserves DR programs as well as ISO-NE’s Active-Demand Capacity Reserves (ADCR) program. The PJM Emergency Capacity dispatches were the program’s first winter events since the 2014 Polar Vortex.

PJM dispatched roughly 4,000 MW of DR on Dec. 23 and another 7,000 MW on Dec. 24 as capacity dropped and demand rose. Power demand rose to a peak of 135,000 MW on the evening of Dec. 23 while forced outages reached as high as 34,500 MW. Demand then remained high overnight, thereby preventing some power plants from replenishing their fuel supplies. By the time the morning peak came on Dec. 24, which was the coldest day of the Christmas weekend, PJM was missing approximately 57,000 MW of its generation flee due to winter storm challenges.

Similarly, unexpected generator outages and reductions and lower-than-expected imports led to a shortfall in operating reserves in ISO-NE, prompting the grid operator to dispatch DR twice as part of its efforts to balance supply and demand and maintain reliability on the regional power system during the evening peak hours of Dec. 24. ISO-NE declared a capacity deficiency and implemented measures under Operating Procedure No. 4 (OP-4) after 2,150 MWs of resources scheduled to contribute power during the evening peak became unavailable. Measures included using reserve resources to balance supply and demand and requesting conservation at market participants’ facilities.


DER Participation Alleviates Grid Strain During Extreme Weather

Historically, grid operators have called upon customers for load relief in summer months when demand has typically been highest due to extreme heat. However, winter electricity demand has increased in recent years due to extreme cold and heating electrification. For example, industry leaders cited big growth in electric heat as a chief cause of blackouts during Winter Storm Elliott, noting that over the past decade the number of households heated with electricity had surged by about 20% in the hardest hit states of Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina.

With heat electrification expanding and severe cold becoming more common and spreading further across the country, customer DERs are important in providing load relief and preventing blackouts during extreme weather events year-round.

CPower is the national leader in unlocking the power of customer DERs, with 6.3 GW of capacity across more than 17,000 sites in the U.S, and its customers are vital in strengthening the grid where and when it’s needed the most, as evidenced by how they provided load relief and energy reduction during Winter Storm Elliott.

Furthermore, CPower has hosted a webinar to help businesses in PJM understand the increasing importance of DERs in providing grid resiliency during winter months and learn how they can get paid for providing load relief to the grid. To watch, please click here.


Dann Price

Dann has specialized in PJM Demand Response for more than 10 years. As CPower’s Executive Director of Market Development for the PJM market, he is responsible for keeping hundreds of customers with thousands of sites up-to-speed on market conditions, energy prices, program particulars, and regulatory issues in the ever-changing PJM demand response market.


Mike Hourihan

Mike is Market Development Director at CPower. He has extensive experience in analyzing and developing market rules in multiple energy markets across North America. His career has focused on advocating for demand side resources participation in the energy markets as a reliable low-cost option compared to traditional generation assets.

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