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The energy industry faces uncertainty as 2025 draws near but key trends and issues provide some predictability. For instance, as in 2024, demand for electricity will accelerate while generation capacity constricts. As a result, virtual power plants and other immediately available sources of clean, affordable and reliable energy will continue to expand as new generation … Continue reading CPower Execs Predict 2025 Energy Trends
We’re excited to have our technology partner Lithion Battery contribute this guest column for The Current. Large energy users like commercial and industrial customers have long benefited from backup batteries that have kept their operations running when the grid goes down or electricity prices go up. Way up. However, C&I customers, governments, hospitals and other … Continue reading Beyond Backup Power: How Energy Storage Optimizes the Grid and Reduces Energy Costs
Commercial and industrial energy users in Arizona can earn revenue and reduce costs while helping the people in their communities keep cool amidst sweltering summers. The APS Peak Solutions program available through CPower rewards customers for conserving electricity when the power grid is stressed. Customers earned more than $870,000 during the 2023 program season. “This … Continue reading Arizona Public Service (APS) Customers Benefit from Helping the Grid
We’re excited to have our technology partner 75F contribute this guest column for The Current. Buildings are the fourth leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, with HVAC systems accounting for about half of a building’s energy use. While technology to make HVAC more energy efficient exists, most buildings aren’t using it. The reason? Traditional building management … Continue reading Democratizing Decarbonization with Cloud-Native Building Automation
This article first appeared on Utility Dive on Aug. 14, 2024. Click here to view. Even though PJM’s capacity prices hit record highs for 2025-26, they could go even higher or remain elevated unless the grid operator’s generation capacity can catch up with its surging demand. PJM Interconnection’s record-high capacity prices for next year may send a … Continue reading Why wait? VPPs can help PJM now
The sharp increase in PJM capacity prices for the grid operator’s next delivery year demonstrates the value of balancing supply and demand with existing resources. Rising more than 800%, PJM capacity prices have reached record highs as North America’s largest wholesale electricity market grapples with tightening supply and escalating demand. Generator capacity is being retired … Continue reading PJM Capacity Prices Prove Need for VPPs
CEO Michael D. Smith knew CPower was a leading enabler of the energy transition when he took the helm a year ago, but he has since learned the extent of that role. As the nation’s largest virtual power plant (VPP) provider, CPower boosts grid reliability while helping customers unlock the full value of their distributed … Continue reading VPPs and CPower: Q&A with CEO Michael D. Smith
We’re excited to have our technology partner, Auradine contribute this guest column for The Current. In an era of continuously rising energy consumption, the need for efficient and sustainable energy management solutions has never been more critical. Demand response programs, particularly those that require extreme flexibility and near instantaneous reactions from energy users, are emerging … Continue reading VPPs and Flexible Demand Response: Bitcoin Mining Flexes its Capabilities
Calendars may show that summer didn’t start until June 20, but thermometers across the country in the past few weeks have suggested otherwise. From heat domes in the Southwest to record-high temperatures in the Northeast, summer electricity needs kicked in early—and grid operators are bracing for another few hot months. Although grid operators and federal … Continue reading Summer Electricity Demand: A Region-by-Region Outlook
Large energy users view virtual power plant projects as ways to help the environment. We could accelerate a cleaner and greener future by harnessing that motivation. The percentage of commercial and industrial (C&I) customers that use distributed energy resources (DERs) as virtual power plants (VPPs) with the environment in mind has gradually increased over the … Continue reading Sustainability Goals Spur Virtual Power Plant Projects
If states are to fully unlock the value of distributed energy resources (DERs), utilities will have to pay customers for all the grid services they can provide with their DERs. Regulators in states such as Illinois are exploring how to calculate the value of DERs so that utilities can maximize their benefits through effective system … Continue reading How One Midwest State Aims to Create More Value from Distributed Energy
The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)’s new DER & Aggregation Participation Model reflects how far distributed energy resources (DERs) have come as well as the potential they can unlock as the Empire State drives toward its Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) initiative for creating a more diversified grid by better integrating customers. Not only … Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About New York’s New DER & Aggregation Participation Model
At CPower, we take pride in our vision of shaping the Customer-Powered Grid®, fostering a flexible, clean, and reliable energy future. Whether by collaborating with our clients to reduce carbon footprints by 375,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions in a single year or promoting grid sustainability through existing resources, we are proud to know that … Continue reading CPower’s Team is Committed to Clean Energy Future
Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio A total solar eclipse will move across North America at more than 1,500 miles per hour on April 8. The moon will totally block the sun along the path in red. Commercial and industrial energy users can look at the bright side of the upcoming total solar eclipse. They may … Continue reading Solar Eclipse Gives VPPs Chance to Shine
Artificial intelligence is accelerating data center growth and energy needs—and facilities can reduce costs and earn revenue by managing their electricity wisely. Grid planners have nearly doubled their 5-year load growth forecasts on the back of surging data-center demand. In fact, data centers may account for as much as one-third of the anticipated increase in … Continue reading Demand Growth Offers Opportunities for Data Centers
The energy transition is one of the most complex undertakings in human history, but one thing is clear — the grid of the future will be cleaner, more decentralized and more flexible. This vision has been coming into focus for several years now, as price declines and unprecedented public and private investment in solar, storage, … Continue reading Now is the Time to Embrace ‘Virtual Power Plants’: Here’s Why
The Super Bowl has been described in many ways, primarily according to one’s opinion of the National Football League’s annual championship game. Grand. Spectacular. Hyped. Excessive. And, just when you think you have heard them all, we humbly add another description. At CPower, we see the Super Bowl as: “A lesson in the electric grid’s … Continue reading Super Bowl Offers Lesson on Grid Flexibility
Energy industry stakeholders recently convened at CPower’s GridFuture conference to pave the way for a better tomorrow for generations to come. Path-blazing customers and partners, government officials and executives from companies accelerating the trajectory of the energy transition explored ways to create a clean, flexible and dependable energy future with distributed energy resources and virtual … Continue reading VPPs: GridFuture Turns Knowledge into Action
Two large Texas energy users recently shared how much revenue they have earned for improving grid reliability. In separate public events, CPower recently presented San Jacinto College and the Houston Independent School District (HISD) with more than $160,000 in demand response revenue. “HISD and San Jacinto College exemplify how schools and educational institutions of all … Continue reading CPower Writes ‘Big Checks’ to Education Customers in Texas
Contrary to what it may seem, artificial intelligence has not taken over the world, or at least not yet. But you can be excused for believing that AI is in control given the buzz surrounding the technology’s rapidly expanding reach into everything, everywhere – and the world of energy is no exception. Curious as to … Continue reading ChatGPT on Optimizing DERs: What It Got Right and What We Would Add
Surging capacity prices present swelling opportunities for commercial, industrial and institutional energy consumers willing to shed load in New York. With prices up 300% since 2019, participants in the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)’s Special Case Resources (SCR) Program can earn revenue while reducing costs—without compromising their operations. Customers can also further boost their … Continue reading Rising Capacity Prices Boosting Demand Response Earnings in New York
The steadily declining costs of solar, wind, batteries, EVs and other key technologies—borne by market forces and big policy initiatives like the Inflation Reduction Act—seem all but certain to transform America’s energy system from one primarily reliant on oil and gas to one that is increasingly electrified and renewable—a process often referred to as the … Continue reading New Report Validates DERs and VPPs are Key to Smooth Energy Transition
A recent Bloomberg opinion piece contrasted the massive growth in distributed energy resources (DERs), such as rooftop solar and electric vehicles, with sluggish deployment of other clean energy solutions, such as wind power and transmission upgrades, as the world races to reach net zero emissions. While the author was spot on in many respects, the … Continue reading The Booming Potential of Virtual Power Plants
Photo Credit: New York Independent System Operator A summer like this year’s could be trouble for New York City in 2025. Earth’s hottest summer on record lingered into early September in the Big Apple, as the city posted its first official heatwave of the year with three consecutive days of high temperatures exceeding 90 degrees … Continue reading Possible 446 MW Shortfall Threatens Grid Reliability in NYC for Summer 2025
Recently released research shows that mounting reliability risks make demand response (DR) increasingly important as the grid transforms. An aging grid dominated by solar and wind power, battered by storms and fires and struggling to supply new needs like EVs and electric heat pumps, needs the flexibility that DR provides. “Paradigms for the generation and … Continue reading Report: Demand response is critical to enabling the energy transition and ensuring a reliable grid
Securing funding and structuring a contract may be the hardest parts of developing new distributed energy resource (DER) projects. Even with the Inflation Reduction Act set to catalyze billions of dollars of investment in renewable energy projects, financial viability – or the perceived lack thereof – has become a bigger barrier to deployment than technology. … Continue reading Contracting and Funding Projects with DER-Asset Optimization
Credit: Renewable Energy World (A rooftop solar system) *This article first appeared on Renewable Energy World on July 28, 2023. Click here to view. Strained by the double burden of increased demand and more frequent extreme weather events, our grid struggles to provide reliable electricity in many areas of the country – and the challenge will only intensify … Continue reading Virtual Power Plants can cost-effectively support the grid—if we let them
New CPower CEO Mike Smith may have backed into the energy industry, but he has since helped move it forward. In his more than 25 years in the sector, he has developed a reputation for driving growth and delivering innovation at some of energy’s leading companies. Now at the helm of the nation’s largest provider … Continue reading Mike Smith: Q&A with CPower’s New CEO
Connecticut is at the forefront of the energy storage movement and CPower leads the way in helping customers deploy more batteries. The state recently recognized CPower as an early adopter of energy storage solutions by giving the company a Green Bank Award. CPower was one of the first Eligible Contractors to submit a storage project … Continue reading Connecticut’s Energy Storage Solutions Program Helps C&I Customers
When the grid is stressed, would you rather turn on a fossil-fuel-powered peaker plant or tap into existing resources to reduce our electricity consumption? For us, it’s a simple choice for the community and our planet. The Customer-Powered Grid™ is the answer. In aggregating customers’ distributed energy resources (DERs) and collectively using them to help … Continue reading DER Monetization the Key to Enabling the Energy Transition
Grid reliability has become one of the primary reasons that energy users participate in distributed energy resources (DER) monetization, ranking among the top three motivators for the first time in CPower’s annual Customer-Powered Grid™ Survey. Nearly half (45%) of the almost 500 customers and partners surveyed cited supporting grid reliability as motivation for participating in … Continue reading Grid Reliability a Growing Concern: Customer-Powered GridTM Survey
When it comes to energy, data centers are mostly known for how much they consume—but they can give as well as take. Globally, data centers consumed 220 to 320 TWh of electricity in 2021, or 0.9% to 1.3% of total electricity demand. Within the U.S., they account for about 2% of total electricity use, consuming 10 … Continue reading Decarbonizing Data Centers Gives Grid Flexibility
This year’s top energy regulatory trends will include an emphasis on improving grid flexibility, reliability and resiliency to better handle extreme weather and demand peaks. Stakeholders want to maintain access to affordable, reliable electricity as the industry transitions to intermittent renewable resources and adapts to evolving consumption and demand patterns that strain the grid. “Energy … Continue reading Four Energy Regulatory Trends to Drive Grid Improvements in 2023
The next phase of a reliable and clean energy mix will center on deploying more distributed energy resources (DERs) and using them efficiently. DERs have become increasingly prevalent, largely due to available market revenue streams, opportunities for demand charge mitigation, falling hardware prices for storage and renewable generation and deployment incentives like those in the … Continue reading Three Reasons Why Your DER Strategy Isn’t Working
Photo Credit: Lion Electric School districts have three months to buy almost $1 billion of clean school buses and infrastructure with federal rebates. Districts will then turn their attention to receiving their electric or alternatively-fueled buses and installing infrastructure — and CPower can help. CPower helps districts with electric buses reduce their electrification costs, increase … Continue reading CPower Ready To Help School Districts Unlock Full Value of Electric School Buses Through Federal Rebate Program
CPower customers helped grid operators avoid blackouts by providing over 50 GWh of electricity reduction during Winter Storm Elliott. Customers responded to 197 unique dispatches across three demand response programs in PJM and ISO-NE alone, which together cover all or part of 19 states and Washington, D.C. In quickly curtailing their loads, CPower customers helped … Continue reading Customer DERs Relieved Grid Strain and Reduced Electricity Demand During Winter Storm Elliott
The 2022-2023 Winter Reliability Assessment from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) warns that a large portion of the North American bulk power system is at risk of having insufficient energy supplies during severe winter weather, including the Midwest, which is one of several regions that NERC oversees to maintain grid reliability. However, many … Continue reading Midwestern State Regulatory Commissions, Electric Cooperatives and Municipal Electric Utilities Can Increase Demand Response Participation While Protecting Local Jurisdiction
Today, I am excited to unveil the next phase in the evolution of our company brand that celebrates you, our customer. As the national leader in providing flexibility and reliability solutions, we are enabling the clean energy transition through a Customer-Powered GridTM. Our customers have always remained at the core of what motivates us. Together, … Continue reading Clean Energy Powered by You: Our Customer-Powered GridTM Enabling the Clean Energy Transition
The benefits of living in the storage decade currently may be greatest in New England, where utility and government programs, and innovations in storage technology, help organizations reach their sustainability goals while improving facility resiliency and decreasing operations, maintenance and energy expenses. New England facilities can reap energy storage benefits such as on-bill savings and … Continue reading Incentives and Innovation Charge Up Battery Projects in New England
Mounting regulatory scrutiny and market pressures make crypto mining increasingly difficult, which makes participating in demand response programs more appealing. The business case for crypto demand response is strongest when crypto prices are low and electricity prices are high, as they are now. Also, environmental advocates and lawmakers are pushing for environmental policy reforms around … Continue reading Demand Response Provides a Competitive Edge Through Optimal Crypto Mining Energy Consumption
The Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) exists to prohibit new capacity resources from offering into the market below their true, i.e. unsubsidized, costs. MOPR has garnered its share of controversy since it was enacted a decade ago. The rule was introduced to address the concern about “buyer-side market power.” The concern is that an entity … Continue reading How Will MOPR’s departure affect the ISO-NE market?
On July 13, 2021, ERCOT announced the delivery of its “Roadmap to Improving Grid Reliability,” a 60-item plan that addresses needed improvements to ERCOT’s electric grid with the aim of avoiding future failures like the one experienced this past February when much of the state was left without power and over 200 people died amidst … Continue reading ERCOT’S Roadmap to the Future Includes Distributed Energy Resources
The sweltering heat that raged across thirteen western states from August 14-17, 2020, had a significant impact on the tens of millions of people who experienced record high temperatures well above 100°F. The triple-digit temperatures had an historic effect on California’s electric grid, too. Consider August 17 as a case-in-point in the energy deficiency the state’s … Continue reading What has California Learned from the 2020 Blackouts?
CPower’s Indispensable Webinar Series on Energy Markets is Back! Amidst a global drive to reduce carbon emissions, the electric grid continues its transition to a cleaner, more efficient future. That’s why CPower hosts the annual State of Demand-Side Energy Management in North America webinar series, a market-by-market analysis of the issues and trends the experts … Continue reading SOTM 2021 Webinar Series
In the mid-1960s, a new method for effectively transmitting electronic data over a computer network was born, and with it came one of the quintessential building blocks of what would become the modern internet. In simple terms, “packet switching” is a routing method whereby data transmitted across a network takes different routes along the network … Continue reading What the Electric Grid’s Future and the Internet’s Past Have in Common
A convergence of pressures in recent years has caused organizations across North America to examine how their energy use can be managed to help achieve their carbon reduction goals. These converging pressures originate from customers, who desire to do business with sustainability-minded companies; investors, who realize the inherent value associated with an organization being carbon … Continue reading Achieving Carbon Emission Goals with Demand-Side Energy Management
The idea that reducing a watt of energy on the demand side can be just as valuable as generating one on the supply side in a time of grid stress is hardly new. Nor is the idea that such a solution helps thwart both energy-related and environmental crises. The origin of demand response can be … Continue reading Demand Response Has Been Part of America’s Energy Plan for 40 Years. Why Should the next 40 be any Different?
Good news on the regulatory front for new demand response resources from New York’s zones G-J entering NYISO’s Installed Capacity Market. On February 18, 2021, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an Order that overturned a portion of its previously issued Oct. 7, 2020 Order in the paper hearing on whether utility demand response … Continue reading FERC Order Removes Restrictions for Utility Demand Response Resources in New York Zones G-J
Ohio House Bill 6 had the kind of year that, if it hadn’t taken place during 2020, might have garnered national headlines and caught the attention of Hollywood. Before we succumb to the temptation of divulging exploitative details–which include outcries of scandal, bribery, corruption, and racketeering–let’s cover the fundamentals of the bill and what they … Continue reading Wild Backstory Aside, House Bill 6 Opens a Door for Energy Efficiency Monetization in Ohio
The largest electric utility in Arizona is making strides toward a more sustainable future and it’s clear demand response is part of the plan. Arizona Public Service (APS) is the owner and operator of the country’s largest producer of carbon-free electricity–the Palo Verde Generating Station. Currently, the utility generates clean, reliable electricity for 1.3 million … Continue reading Arizona’s Largest Utility Ramps its Demand Response program to Pursue Carbon-Free Mission
Demand Side Management in the Time of COVID A commercial and Industrial Guide to offsetting energy costs and earning revenue in a year of (extra) uncertainties From the Covid pandemic to a roller-coaster economy, a wild presidential election, and significant legislation in every energy market in the US...2020 was a chaotic year. On to 2021, … Continue reading Demand-Side 2021 Webinar Series
Grid Operators in the US deregulated energy markets need only look west to California and the Golden State’s recent barrage of rolling blackouts for a reminder of how an ambitious but unchecked drive to a renewable fuel mix can threaten grid reliability. California’s charge over the last two decades toward a carbon-free future has led … Continue reading New England Seeks to Balance Renewables and Grid Reliability
Texans love a good fight, especially if there is a lot riding on the outcome and the battle comes down to the wire only to be won in the waning seconds by the last fighter standing. Maybe that’s why ERCOT’s Load Resource demand response program has been a favorite of commercial organizations in the Lone … Continue reading ERCOT’s Effective and Lucrative Last Bastion Against Blackouts
Are You Earning Revenue From Your Energy Savings? Has your organization completed an energy efficiency project in the last two years? Are you planning on completing a project before June of 2021? If the answer is yes – you are likely eligible for earnings in addition to the savings your project is already delivering for up … Continue reading Are You Earning Revenue From Your Energy Savings? (Webinar)
60 minutes with CPower Experts. Energy Insights to Plan Your 2020 and Beyond. 2020 was poised to be a big year in energy before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown. As the country works its way through the pandemic’s maze, organizations like yours are reexamining their energy management strategies in search of … Continue reading SOTM 2020 Webinar Series
On May 14th, in response to COVID-19 related challenges and recommendations raised by stakeholders, the New York Public Service Commission issued an Order directing most of the utilities to implement several changes to their Dynamic Load Management (DLM) tariffs to become effective as of June 1st. These changes will impact the Commercial System Relief … Continue reading PSC Order on NY Utility DR Program Changes for Summer 2020 – Market Minute (Video)
Since December of last year, the truly brave men and women in the healthcare industry that are treating and saving the lives of COVID-19 patients come to work, put in uncountable hours, and in every second of that chaotic day risk exposure to the worst disease we have seen in a very long time. New … Continue reading Brave.
In 2015, PJM announced that it was retiring its seasonal emergency capacity demand response programs and replacing them with a single, year-round program called Capacity Performance, or CP. June 2020 was set as the first season that PJM would offer CP as their only capacity program. June 2020 is just a few months away … Continue reading PJM in Motion (Environment + Energy Leader Webinar)
Fill out the form below and your question may be the subject of an Energy Engineer’s Notebook episode. (If your question isn’t selected for an episode, a CPower engineer will get back to you with an answer.)
Fill out the form below and your question may be the subject of an Energy Engineer’s Notebook episode. (If your question isn’t selected for an episode, a CPower engineer will get back to you with an answer.)
State-of-the-art battery storage, an innovative solar PV system, and “stacked” demand management programs provide energy savings, steady revenue, reduced greenhouse gases, and grid reliability for this revolutionary institution.
The year is 2040. Grid modernization has seen the integration of large-scale storage and renewables overtake traditional fossil fuel and nuclear generation. Sustainability, grid reliability, and energy technologies have been major drivers for a modern grid structure. Customers have become more connected and engaged with their utilities and drive the utility business model beyond selling … Continue reading White Paper: The Changing Energy Landscape and New Demand Side Management Opportunities (Navigant)
This Navigant Research webinar looked at what is happening today that is driving to the grid of the future. Brett Feldman, research director at Navigant Research; Mathew Sachs, senior vice president of strategic planning and business development at CPower; and Terry Sobolewski, president of National Grid Rhode Island, discussed the many factors driving the modernization of the grid and where energy consumers should keep their focus today as the grid of the future is shaped before us.
Demand Response has evolved dramatically in just the last few years from a mechanism of simply “turning things off” to being an integrated component of grid design and customer-centric controls over energy costs and supply needs. Integrated management of demand is becoming a more accurate perspective in today’s energy landscape.
Today, demand response and demand management are key components of the three pillars that make up the foundation of the modern energy grid: Reliability, Resiliency, and Sustainability.
More and more, healthcare facilities managers are dedicating resources to behind-the-meter solutions in the pursuit of resilience: To protect themselves from gridwide power outages, continue to provide care and safety to patients and staff, and maintain a reliable electricity supply to support their operations without degradation or interruption. This CPower webinar focuses on ways that these same behind-the-meter energy assets can provide significant savings, generate important revenue, and maximize the return on your investments.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, an estimated 20-50% of industrial energy input is lost as waste heat. Many industrial organizations in the U.S. have learned how to recover waste heat, yet few understand how to monetize it. Industrial waste heat is the energy generated in an industrial process that is not put to … Continue reading How to Monetize Electricity from Waste Stream Recovery
Uncertainty is the arch-nemesis of business. In planning for 2020, it appears our old foe has the upper hand Is 2020 a year for your organization to get aggressive and try to expand? Or is it a year to sit tight and see what happens? Maybe it’s time to pull back on the reins. Chances … Continue reading Why U.S. Energy Expenditure Share is the Metric Your Organization Needs to Understand
60 minutes with CPower Experts. Energy Insights to Plan Your Year. At CPower, we know that running your organization’s day-to-day affairs is challenging enough without having to stay on top of the latest developments in the energy industry. That’s why we created the State of Demand-Side Energy Management in North America webinar series, a market-by-market … Continue reading SOTM 2019 Webinar Series
Ideas for sustaining balance in the US industrial sector in 2019 and beyond. In this Smart Energy Decisions webinar, CPower’s experts discuss the energy-related issues affecting the US manufacturing industrial sector and explore demand-side energy management options aimed to help manufacturers offset soon-to-be rising energy costs without sacrificing their productivity.
This white paper highlights critical insights for utilities into the implementation of future customer-focused DR programs, given the rapidly changing and distributed energy grid. Utilities with existing DR programs that are either underperforming or otherwise failing to yield desired results may look to the considerations and case studies to strengthen their existing DR portfolio and meet customer needs.
One of the Reforming Energy Vision’s primary goals includes renewable sources generating 70% of the state’s electricity by 2030. To do that, the New York grid seeks to implement distributed energy resources into its fuel mix. How might New York’s energy market be redesigned to incorporate DERs like solar, energy storage, and others? NYISO’s proposed … Continue reading The Push for Renewables in New York
When it comes to capacity prices in New York state, the story changes depending on the geographic region. Capacity prices are historically low right now in upstate New York but increase through the Lower Hudson Valley toward New York City, due to transmission constraints. The announced retirement of Indian Point nuclear facility scheduled for 2020 … Continue reading New York City: high capacity prices, many demand-side energy management options
In the near future, organizations with flexible resources at their disposal will have an advantage when it comes to earning money for helping the grid. California is committed to integrating renewables into its electrical grid. The load-shift product is set to launch in November 2019. In its wake, expect a series of flexible resource products … Continue reading The best way to manage your energy in California? Be Flexible.
California experiences a daily spike in energy demand in the early evening when renewable sources like solar go offline and residents come home from work and increase their energy consumption by flipping on their air conditioning, turning on their lighting, doing laundry, charging electronic devices, and engaging in other energy-consuming activities. When charted on a … Continue reading Has California finally solved “The Duck Curve?”
The Global Adjustment was introduced in 2006 to help Ontario cover the difference between electricity’s market rate and the contractually higher rates the provincial government had agreed to pay new generators in an attempt to stimulate private investment in Ontario’s generation system. All Ontario electricity customers pay global adjustment to cover the cost of the … Continue reading Is Global Adjustment in Ontario here to stay?
By the early-1990s, Ontario’s energy grid faced dire reliability and economic concerns. Many of the nuclear generation plants powering the province had been built in the 1970s and were starting to prematurely show their age, declining in efficiency and reliability. More recently-built nuclear stations had riddled Ontario Hydro (Ontario’s then publicly-owned and lone electric utility) … Continue reading The Ontario Market: a (very) brief history
Of the demand response programs that ERCOT offers, Load Resource offers the most lucrative potential–particularly during the summer months when demand on the grid is at or near its peak. Simply put, ERCOT’s tight reserve margin is brought about by diminished supply and growing electrical demand, which in turn causes high energy prices in Texas … Continue reading How to hedge against Load Resource proration in ERCOT
This post was excerpted from the 2019 State of Demand-Side Energy Management in North America. To get a breakdown of the February 2021 Winter Event in Texas, click here. When the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) established Texas’ deregulated energy market in 1999, it had several very Texan ideals in mind. For starters, the … Continue reading Why doesn’t Texas have a Capacity Market?
ISO-NE’s implementation of its price-responsive demand construct has led to several changes in its demand response programs. Three key changes for 2019: DR programs are now dispatched based on economic (instead of emergency) conditions. DR is now considered fast-acting DR and must be dispatched within 30 minutes of the grid’s call for curtailment. DR resources … Continue reading Demand Response in New England: The more things change…
Currently, there are two developmental shifts taking place in New England concerning the electricity grid. The grid is shifting from conventional generation to renewable energy. The grid is also shifting from centrally dispatched generation to distributed energy resources. What was formerly a traditional power system is becoming a hybrid system with electricity needs met by … Continue reading New England’s Emerging Hybrid Grid
Summer 2019 is right around the corner, which means another season of PJM’s Emergency Capacity demand response (DR) program is set to kick off. This 2019/2020 marks an important pivot point for DR in PJM. With DR enrollment underway, let’s take a look at some things to expect this summer.
On January 2, 2014, a sudden stratospheric warming caused a breakdown of the polar vortex, a semi-permanent low-pressure system of cold polar air that helps the jet stream maintain a roughly circular path as it travels around the globe. A healthy polar vortex keeps the jet stream in line, which in turn keeps the cold … Continue reading What has PJM learned from the Polar Vortex?
Peak-shaving, essentially the practice of an organization reducing its demand during times of peak grid stress to lower its capacity charges, is part of what the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is considering as the agency examines PJM’s annual capacity construct. In a June 2018 proposal, PJM stated it hoped to reduce its capacity market demand … Continue reading Is Peak Shaving more Lucrative than Demand Response in PJM?
In our last ERCOT blog post, we laid out the record high demand/historically low supply scenario facing ERCOT and its customers this summer. As we reported, ERCOT acknowledges that this situation could result in emergency energy alerts. This will more than likely result in high electricity prices, perhaps record high prices. If you participate in … Continue reading Dirty Power: The Story Behind UFR and ERCOT’s LR Demand Response
UPDATE March 5: ERCOT announced today that, due to expected record high demand and “historically low” 7.4% expected reserve margin, they have “identified a potential need to call an energy [emergency] alert at various times this summer.” (Emphasis ours.) Alerts allow ERCOT to take advantage of resources available only during scarcity conditions—particularly demand response. ERCOT … Continue reading ERCOT Summer 2019: Supply, Demand, and Red-Hot Energy Prices
Webinar (2/14/2019): Dispatchable Dollars: How Demand Response Creates Revenue Opportunities For DER
Distributed Energy Resources (DER), including storage, are proliferating the world of energy management in a big way. Today, these assets are primarily implemented to provide operational resilience and demand management; however, additional opportunities are rapidly evolving. As intelligent application of DER assets increases for commercial and government sectors, the opportunity to leverage these same assets … Continue reading Webinar (2/14/2019): Dispatchable Dollars: How Demand Response Creates Revenue Opportunities For DER
The clock has started ticking down on backup generators in California’s demand response programs. On January 1, 2019, the California Public Utilities Commission’s Demand Response Prohibited Resources decision officially takes effect. The decision (officially Decision 16-09-056) mandates that fossil-fueled resources can no longer be used to provide demand response. The decision doesn’t remove fossil fuel … Continue reading Now What? California Demand Response in a Post-Fossil Fuels World
In this white paper, we’ll explore the various forms that demand-side energy management takes. We’ll look at how one university seized the opportunity to generate significant revenue from demand response participation and succeeded spectacularly. Finally, we’ll examine distributed energy resources and how another university found an innovative way to both optimize their energy program and maximize their revenue with intelligent storage.
Virginia Beach, VA – Faced with the prospect of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in demand response revenue, this Virginia Beach site discovered a way to keep the money flowing without interruption. THE CUSTOMER: LAKE GASTON WATER SUPPLY PIPELINE The Lake Gaston Water Supply Pipeline, also known simply as Lake Gaston, is at the heart … Continue reading Case Study: Lake Gaston Water Supply Pipeline
Data centers are in demand. The growth of cloud computing and the subsequent challenge of powering big data has led to a data center construction boom. A 2018 industry profile by Dun & Bradstreet predicts data center space to grow to 1.94 billion square feet worldwide in 2018. Much of the industry’s new construction aims … Continue reading How Energy Efficient Data Centers Can Earn More Than Customer Loyalty